Question: Are you ready for “Goosebumps guaranteed”? Tori Elliot at TouchWood Editions sent me this poster, which advertises my upcoming book signing in Victoria. As above, it will be at 7:00 pm on October 23rd at Bolen Books. And just so you know, I fully intend on delivering those guaranteed goosebumps
Mid-island readers will be happy to hear there will also be a reading and book launch in Nanaimo at 5:30 pm on October 23rd at Vancouver Island University. I’ll share that poster and Facebook event page once it’s available. A third mid-island date is also in the works.
This will be a busy month. The Haunting of Vancouver Island will be out on October 10th. I’ve been interviewed a few times already and have a few more to go. For those of you on Twitter, I’ve been a host twice now for FolkloreThursday. They’re located in the United Kingdom, but their folklore-promoting days have become popular all over the world. So far, my host times have been 10:30 – 12:00 pm (6:30 – 8:00 pm UK). I’m scheduled to be the host on October 19th and November 2nd. The October date will be awesome because of the approach of Halloween. November 2nd is also great because it is the last day of the Day of the Dead or Dia de los Muertos. Both of these dates will have great ghost-story content. If you’re on Twitter, make sure to come check it out!
That’s all the updates I have for now. This is going to be an exciting month! I can’t wait to share Vancouver Island’s ghost stories with you.
Until next time.
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