Halloween Black Cat

Halloween was a lot of fun this year, especially with the launching of Black Cat, the first title from my new publishing house Black Cat Books.

Special thanks to Jenn McGarrigle at VIU News for spreading the word, Julie Chadwick at The Discourse in Nanaimo for her spotlight story on Black Cat, and Gregor Craigie at CBC Victoria’s “On The Island” for his interview with me about Black Cat Books (aired today for Halloween). Continue reading “Halloween Black Cat”

Ghosts of Mount Tzouhalem and Stone Butter Church

On July 21st, I was in the Cowichan Valley for the filming of Harold Joe’s new documentary, Tzouhalem. Produced by Les Bland Productions and by Harold himself, the film will attempt to unpack the oral stories and urban legends surrounding the near-mythic figure of Chief Tzouhalem, who Mount Tzouhalem is named after.

What makes this project unique is that Harold is a Quamichan traditional Gravedigger. The Quamichan Nation acknowledges the existence of human and nonhuman spirit entities, so strict protocol is observed during funerals in order to avoid problems with either. Harold’s role often calls upon him to repatriate human remains and to help disembodied ancestors find peace.

Chief Tzouhalem had a complicated relationship with this same spirit world. So who better to investigate the legends surrounding him than someone familiar with his teachings? Tzouhalem was a member of the nation Harold is, as well, which means Harold has access to oral histories no other investigator would ever be able to acquire. Continue reading “Ghosts of Mount Tzouhalem and Stone Butter Church”

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