These previous Forfeda posts have been reviewed, updated, edited and revised. I’ve included these links here, in one place, so that those who are seeking to know more about the Forfeda may find much of the information available in one place. Those who do not have a keen interest in the Ogham may wish to pass over this post on the Forfeda completely.
The weathered student of the Ogham, on the other hand, may find a great deal of information here. These posts represents several years of contemplation and study. Many authors who write about the Ogham do not describe the forfeda in any great detail. As far as I know, essays like these – which explore the Ogham from a mythical and folkloric perspective – have never been written on the forfeda in any great detail.
This is not to say that I’m an expert by any means. I’m merely sharing the findings of my personal research. My opinions are more open and flexible in regards to the Forfeda than they may have been in relation to the other Ogham letters. This is because the information itself is often conflicting and obscure. I would be very eager to accept any further feedback or new leads towards an even deeper level of contemplation and/or research in regards to these “extra letters.” If you are aware of another site – including your own – which explores the Forfeda in greater detail or from a different perspective, please feel free to leave a comment with the link attached. I would be very grateful.

An Introduction to the Forfeda:
Koad (Salmon or Grove)
Oir (Gold or Spindle)
Uilleand (Elbow or Honeysuckle)
Iphin (Honey or Gooseberry)
Mor (Twin of Hazel or the Sea)

I have gone through the Ogham cycle of the trees twice over the last year. Next week I will be branching off into a completely different area as we begin to explore the birds and animals of Celtic Lore.