The first print of The Haunting of Vancouver Island has sold out! Copies may still be in stores, but the warehouse has none. A second printing was ordered last week and should be available sometime this coming week, just in time for the holiday season. TouchWood Editions publisher Taryn Boyd said the spine will be slightly thinner, as we’re using a different printing company than we did for the first run.
The book has been doing phenomenal! This week, The Haunting of Vancouver Island was number two on the BC Bestsellers List. It has been on the list for seven weeks in a row, but this is the highest it has climbed so far. Considering it’s mostly just being sold on Vancouver Island (vs. the rest of BC) and that larger publishers pay for prominent book placement, this is pretty amazing! There are some great titles and authors on that list. It’s also cool that The Haunting of Vancouver Island has hit number one on Amazon for supernatural titles several times and has consistently been ranked highly in this category.
If you’re reading this blog, sharing the book on social media, commenting, or liking posts, you’re a big part of why this is all happening. So a huge thank you to everyone here! You rock
It’s been a really busy month and a half. This week, I gave the last presentations I plan to before Christmas. I spoke to Vancouver Island University’s publishing class with my editor Alexandria Stuart. The following day, I spoke to Cedar Secondary School students about The Haunting of Vancouver Island with a request to focus on the book’s First Nations content. Both were quite different than the readings or book launch, but I enjoyed them.
With university courses wrapping up, I’m looking forward to posting more often over the holidays. I’ll be sharing short radio interviews, a book reading project (five minute audio with ambient sounds), and other content. I plan on resharing posts of artful and cool images people have shared on social media of The Haunting of Vancouver Island as well. Some of these are really cool!
The image at the top of the page was taken by Caitlin Blakey. That’s right, the same Caitlin Blakey who talks about the ghost of the boy with the red ball in the “Beban House” chapter! I’ll leave you with a few more of her images in the slideshow below, just to give you a taste of what I’m talking about. Hope you enjoy!